First, the cost of hardware has been dropping dramatically. You can buy a decent large size flat screen panel under $1K and the introduction of Android based players and SaaS solutions have all contributed to democratize this technology.
Android is also making deployments a lot simpler to execute. What used to require specialized technical expertise is now possible with less knowledgeable staff since many Android devices are truly "plug and play". More installations can be done with in-house personnel and this also helps reduce roll-out costs.
When all this hardware is driven by solutions like Navori QL, non-technical staff can create professional content and publish real-time data without the need for coding or other assistance. Navori QL is compatible with RSS and XML data feeds and the software can host it's own data feeds if necessary.
It's also important to note that many business intelligence software applications can output graphical "dashboards" in HTML or Flash SWF format. This content can be managed and distributed to screens across an entire enterprise via the Navori QL CMS, making sure critical production and sales data reaches the right audience.
The last piece of the puzzle is the CMS's user interface. Second generation software platforms like Navori QL have streamlined UIs that are extremely easy to learn and use.
All of these factors help explain why digital signage has become such a hot commodity in the corporate world.