Monday, March 17, 2014

Digital signage serves new profits in quick service restaurants

Digital signage serves new profits in quick service restaurants

Quick service restaurant operators are turning to digital signage technologies to comply with new government regulations that requires stores to disclose calorie counts and nutritional information to their customers.  This has created new opportunities for digital menu boards. However,  compliance is not the only reason behind the increasing popularity of digital signage in this sector.  QSR operators also see digital signage as a means to increase sales in a highly competitive marketplace.

Digital signage first became popular with national chains who could afford the technology and had the staff to manage these projects. Since then, we have seen a shift to smaller restaurant chains and even single locations.  

Why are digital menu boards such a hot commodity?

Recent developments have driven down hardware and software costs making digital menu boards accessible to businesses of any size.  With the introduction of software-as-a-service (SaaS) and inexpensive Android devices, anyone can publish rich visual content on any type of screen and display device.  There is no need for dedicated staff to manage a back-end server and installation is a snap.

Android helps lower acquisition and installation costs and as a result we are seeing a marked increase in digital menu boards running on this platform.

Navori is at the forefront of the QSR market with Android based digital signage players and a reliable and affordable SaaS service.  Those requiring multi-screen/ single players for their menu board projects can rely on the company’s proven PC - Windows player with multi-zone capabilities. The company provides SaaS and self-hosted solutions that can handle projects of any scale.