Swiss NAVORI QL powers Saudi Telecom’s in-store and corporate communications
The NAVORI Digital Signage platform is used to promote STC’s latest products, services and promotions towards customers as well as to communicate with the STC employees.
Dynamic text messages are seamlessly combined with video and graphics to create impact.
The NAVORI QL Digital Signage platform is currently rolled out in 83 STC branches Kingdom wide with an impressive install combining 3-6m LED, 60” plasma screens, 42” and 103” LCD displays powered by the unique and proprietary NAVORI QL player software technology.
STC’s goal to provide a better customer experience and improve their brand image was largely realized. The brand popularity has grown and the number of STC customers sky rocketed, exceeding 20 million users now.
The stunning and unique TV grade playback quality of NAVORI QL attributed to this success.
NAVORI QL is also being deployed in various other private and governmental institutions in Saudi Arabia.